Thursday, June 10, 2004

Empty Apartment

Sam and I are sitting on the floor in our empty apartment, with just our DSL modem, AirPort base station (he's a Mac addict), and our wirelessly connected laptops. Getting our daily surfing in. The kitties seem to be settling in to the unfurnished apartment.

We have a room up the street at the Super 8. A room with a spa, I might add... and oh, I can't wait! Today was final packing day and the movers came and loaded up the truck. Compared to the last time we loaded all our stuff onto a truck, this was a lot less crazy, but still a tiring day nonetheless.

Tomorrow is pretty open, got to go pick up some kitty litter so I can set up the litterbox Saturday night when we get to SJ, and go to the hardware store and pick up a replacement faucet thingie for the kitchen sink, because the old one got misplaced when we had our Pur filter on it. Other than that, a lot of just being lazy.

Saturday morning the maid service comes out to clean up the apartment (and boy does it need it, I am not the world's best housekeeper, to be sure!), and then do our final walkthrough with the apartment management and turn in our keys, gate remote, laundry card, etc. Then we load our kitties and ourselves in the car, and drive north about 400 miles.

Tonight, I'm going to soak, watch some Quantum Leap on DVD, and maybe do some frogging on the Cherished Teddie. I'll miss the kitties, but I think they'll be a lot more relaxed here at the apartment than in a strange hotel room. And we'll come spend some time with them tomorrow, of course! Besides, we'll need to get our 'net fix! LOL